Unlocking Success: The Power of Brand and Design Consistency

Brand designer laying on ground looking at mood board inspiration

The Impact of a Consistent Brand

I’ve talked about this often in my social posts, with my friends + clients; here’s the thing is keeping it consistent in your branding and design can seriously shape how your ideal clients, both now and in the future, perceive, value, + remember you.

In fact, more than two-thirds [68%] of businesses say that sticking to a consistent brand has played a key role in boosting their revenue by 10 percent or more. We love a good stat!

PICTURE THIS → you're on the hunt for a fresh fitness routine, so you dive into Pinterest. You stumble upon someone whose mission perfectly aligns with your goals. After checking out a couple of videos, you're totally vibing with their teaching style and methods.

What's your next move? Naturally, you head to their website to dig deeper. But, surprise surprise, their website doesn’t quite match the vibes they were throwing out on Pinterest. Logos are all over the place, colours lack consistency, and the way they talk on their website is a far cry from their Pinterest charm. It's almost like a digital catfish. So you put on your detective hat and cue the need to check out their Instagram, just in case…

Lo and behold, the same inconsistency greets you on Instagram. Initially, you double-check the name against what you saw on Pinterest. Is this the same person, or did they link the wrong account? Their feed doesn’t match the vibe and feels like a different brand altogether.

Now, the internal thoughts start going: Can I trust this brand? If their messaging is all over the place, will their workout programs follow suit? How can I trust someone with my fitness journey when their marketing feels like a rollercoaster ride?

Trust & Loyalty: The Consistency Conundrum

Building trust and loyalty becomes a massive feat for a brand when the basics aren’t even consistent. Now, let's turn the spotlight on your brand and do a little evaluation. How are you showing up across multiple platforms? Are your social platforms in sync with your website, emails, and other marketing materials?

DON’T PANIC, I’VE GOT YOUR BACK! Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Don’t sweat it! Your creative sidekick is here to guide you!

Simple Steps for Brand Harmony

Without diving into a major overhaul, there are a few simple things you can work on to maintain that brand consistency. It's a game-changer, trust me! And to make it even easier for you, I have a FREE Brand Consistency Checklist with 8 straightforward tips to quickly align all your platforms and make them consistent.

How consistent is your brand? This checklist covers the top 8 ways to become consistent, giving your brand a little vibe check.

Ready for the Transformation?


I Need Help With My Brand!

Figuring this out on your own can be a bit of a puzzle – that's why there are endless degrees + tutorials online, not to mention entire industries built around helping you get it just right. Throw in the constantly changing tools and requirements, and it's totally okay if you're looking for a little assistance to bring your brand to its absolute best.

Here at Letters + Lines, I'm all about helping businesses like yours bridge that gap between brand identity and brand image. I have a knack for crafting and promoting a consistent, authentic brand that truly resonates with your audience. Ready to unveil your full potential? Reach out today, and let’s start creating your dream brand.


How to Discover Your Brand Voice


Brand Identity vs. Brand Image